Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sensitivities- More harmful then you realize

My friend Jodi sent me the link to the article below today and I am so glad she did!

The article explains the seriousness of food sensitivities and how many times are downplayed as "second class" compared to food allergies. I would try to explain everthing that is in this article, but it is best for you to read it for yourself so nothing is lost in translation.

 I have been asking myself and other doctors for quite some time now if kids can just be sensitive to foods and not neccessarily allergic to. Sensitivites that can still cause reactions after a certain food. That is why I wanted a blood test done to test for this. If nothing would show up on the prick test, surely a blood test would be more sensitive and catch something the prick test missed. Now in Jacob's case they think he has an allergy to the casein in milk but also other food sensitivities.  I think I may have figured out why I kept getting denied the blood test so much. The blood test that will reveal food sensitivities is not usually covered under insurnace.  The test itself is $285 and may be hard for families on a fixed income to come up with that. However, if it was going to show what was triggering Jacob's system we were going to do it. I think another reason why is because doctors are more worried about food allergies. I don't think many have a good knowledge on how food sensitivities can affect a person. Now please don't think I am talking badly about doctors. I am a teacher and have been for 9 years. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on how to teach students and get them where they need to be. But every year I am finding something I didn't know before. The same goes with any profession. There is so many things out there and the human body is so complicated it is impossible to know anything and everything about the human body.

     The doctor that Jacob is currently seeing for his eczema and working with us to figure out the root of the problem is Dr. Edwards. Below is the link to his website.

Below are two links to his videos explaning how he got started and what he does. They are long but worth your time!  - Video 1  - Video 2

I hope this information is helpful. As parents we are the best advocates for our kids. If a treatment doesn't work keep trying until you find something that does. It may be a long battle but don't give up!

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